Pioneering Dental Engineering, Research, Development & Manufacturing.
Osteon Medical is responsible for cutting-edge, industry-led dental implant prosthetics. Pioneering technological advancement.
Continual research and development allows us to bring new dental industry solutions to market, including the patented Nexus iOS scanning system.
Our dedicated team of professionals empowers us to stay ahead of the market, manufacturing products that become essential in everyday practice.
Osteon Medical products are not available for purchase by the general public.
Our partnership with Australia’s internationally respected universities ensures our product range is optimized for the latest generation of developments in advanced technology.
Built on a strong foundation of research and development, Osteon is capable of consistently developing cutting edge products to meet industry demand.
A curated team of engineers across the spectrum of sciences means that the outcome of our patient-specific designs are not only precision-made but take into account the many diverse facets needed for dental prosthetics.
Our design processes are continually being refined for both client and end-user satisfaction, reducing time, and increasing fidelity.
Using world-class production methods, Osteon manufactures prosthetic products with the utmost care and precision, using digital design to ensure complete accuracy and finishing products with a keen eye for detail.
Creating durable, fitted, and completely customized end products for patients.
Nexus iOS is Osteon Medical’s solution to digital full-arch rehabilitation. From first scan to final titanium-retained prosthesis.
The Nexus system has revolutionised full-arch dental implant prosthetics, saving clinician time and money while providing advanced patient outcomes.
Osteon Medical products are not available for purchase by the general public.
Case Ordering Online
Simplify your workflow. Conventional or digital, simply log-in, order, and submit to begin your case design.
One-click approval after the design process means quicker production times and ensures accurate results.